What Do You Think of My Startup's Philosophy: (Human + AI) > Human or AI
There's a silver lining in an AI-dominated future. We're always going to be one step ahead.
You look right; AI is doing something.
You look left; AI is becoming something.
Videos, images, text, and almost every digital item are becoming dominated by AI. The quality might’ve not been great initially. But I can assure you that 9/10 wouldn’t know whether this picture is of an AI or a human.
You think you got it right and determined that there are AI features in this image. But it’s actually a real image of an actress (Rachel Hurd-Wood) that isn’t so known.
Almost all major tech companies are pouring billions into AI. So whether you believe it or not, AI is a part of the working life nowadays.
AI is prospering because of the simple reason that humans are imperfect. So when an opportunity shows up for CEOs to decrease their labor costs by using AI, they take it.
A quarter of a million people were let go from tech companies last year. Many of those were directly and indirectly because of AI.
Now, it’s true that AI is faster and sometimes better at doing things. The future is going to be full of it. Most startups are heading blindly to replace a part of our working environment with AI because it makes sense.
Yet, I believe there’s something that’s even more evolved, and you can argue with me on this. That’s the beauty of writing a newsletter. Let’s get on a debate in the comments and try to prove me wrong.
I believe that:
Human + AI > Human or AI
It’s a theory and a philosophy that will only be more apparent in the future. However, I believe that the quality benchmark of any AI service will never exceed one that is human-guided with AI.
For instance, there are AI websites that create AI presentations. They’re okay. Of course, they’re far from human quality right now. But any AI company’s CEO will tell you, “Yes, it’s not that good now. But it’s learning.”
I can’t disagree with that. Midjourney (an AI image generator) used to produce laughable material and now creates images that are indistinguishable from real human photos.
Now for the silver lining – Creating an ultra-hyper-realistic image of a human being is merely execution.
There will be great apps for execution, but in addition, human guidance creates the concept of evolved AI. Hence, A human being with AI will outperform a human being or an AI platform alone.
That’s due to the human touch of imperfection that AI models can’t think of on their own. We don’t know why we screw up some things. These screw-ups result in the art and beauty of our imperfectly amazing world.
In mathematical terms, these screw-ups can not be explained or translated into AI platforms. There must be an objective. The human brain does not have an objective.
Therefore, I’m building a startup based on this particular concept. It’ll take years and years to prove this. But this imperfect thought is my human contribution to the AI world for the next ten years.
Now, let me know what you think of the philosophy. The product is in development, and I’ll show more once it’s ready in a few months. I’ve been spending tons of time perfecting it with my AI developers.
Do you think AI’s quality will outperform humans in the future? Do you think it will outperform a human-guided AI system? Write a comment, and let’s discuss; it’ll be fun.
The reason I used the word 'shovel' is that it harks back to the days of Taylor and 'Scientific Management' . Taylor, through many hours of timed observation, designed the optimum shovel to allow the most efficient shifting of sand/gravel/earth etc. It was even advertised as the 'Taylor' shovel.
The work remained the same but technology of the day allowed it to be done more efficiently. Similarly today; the work remains the same but AI can make it faster and more efficient. But humans will always prevail.
AI can write a sonnet about any subject in the style of Shakespeare. However, it cannot develop as a genius playwright and wordsmith, creating something sublime plays and poetry. Could AI write "As flies to small boys, we are to the Gods. They use us for their sport". Sixteen words which sum up human existence.
Simple! Man + Shovel > Man || Shovel
AI is a tool, a better shovel. We've been arguing this since a distant ancestor knapped a flint.