An Introduction To My Business Bubble

"What Business Bubble? What are you talking about?"

I do not believe in the majority of what people believe in. If you tell me that you have to believe that you'll die one day, I'd tell you that you are underestimating the health tech sector. For instance, as far as we both know, I could live as an artificially intelligent program.

However, there is one thing that I believe in more than anything - The urge for change.

Try giving a person a slice of pizza every day for ten years. You'd see that one day or another, that person will refuse this slice. The need for change is in our nature. That's what I strongly believe in.

I’m Al, a business consultant in Zurich, Switzerland. I've been working in the entrepreneurial world for over ten years. Eventually, this built what I call my Business Bubble, which is how I view the business world from the eyes of freelancing, investing, and entrepreneurship.

When a client comes to me, and we have a conversation like this one:

  • Client: "Hi Al, I have an investor meeting, and I need to show that investor that I am dedicated to my startup forever."

  • Me: "That's simply not true. You are dedicated to anything because you feel it right now. This will definitely change."

I started my first entrepreneurship adventure almost ten years ago. I had a taste of what it's like to have a product people need. The sense of victory when you get your first investment offer is unexplainable. It was the first spark that built my business bubble.

Then, as per the usual life of almost any startup, it achieved what it needed to achieve.

I moved on to the world of consulting.

I worked with over 100 clients over the years. Some raised over $10 million for their startups. Others needed help in getting pre-seed funding to survive (and I proudly helped them achieve that by directly connecting them to the right investor.)

To engage in these deals, I had to become the ultimate freelancer. So I did that through Upwork for a long time. I've achieved a top-rated plus badge with over $100k of earnings there.

Then a situation struck me that led me to have to leave Upwork.

At that moment, I was in this freelancing jungle approaching a $0 bank account. I was advised by many people around me to try applying for some jobs, which I did. However, I got no replies.

So I did what I did best. I became, again, the ultimate freelancer. Yet this time, I did it on two platforms (Medium and Fiverr) so that if one of them screws me over, I would have the other one.

Then I realized that two freelancing platforms are just not enough.

One ought to have ten, twenty, or even a hundred revenue streams to succeed.

Due to my zest for entrepreneurship, I read numerous books about different companies and individuals like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, you name it.

Then I read a book that was the result of my next transformation. "The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham" was by far the best investment book I've read in my life.

This led me to study the stock market deeply and start investing in companies I believe in for the long term.

So this is it. You are surfing the website of a person, just like you, who freelanced his whole life, got "fired" from a freelancing website, almost went bankrupt, aced two other freelancing platforms, invests in the stock market on a monthly basis, and works out new products and services every year that could be of value.

I'm Al Anany; it's a pleasure that you'd be reading this. I actually mean that. This website and its content are my business bubble.

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I’m Al, a business consultant in Zurich, Switzerland. I believe in the power of delivering value to you, the reader.

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